About Me

Hello, I’m Sammy, ninja of the leaf pile! I’m a Seattle Area cosplayer and a body positivity advocate. I’ve been cosplaying since 1996 and attending conventions since 2004, back in the dim dark times of drug store Halloween wigs and cramming an entire anime club into a single hotel room. I started off with Sailor Moon, Naruto, and Yu-Gi-Oh! cosplays and branched out from there over the years.

In the name of the Moon, let’s sew!

I began sewing somewhere around 30 years ago, starting with making my and my sister’s Halloween costumes because I didn’t like how boring the store-bought ones were. I branched out into theater in high school as well as making my own prom dress and modifying my ballet costumes. Eventually, I turned to cosplay in college after doing theater, altering military uniforms, hemming friends’ pants, and repairing bags.

I’ve spent much of my time since I began this journey learning all sorts of skills and expanding existing ones, getting creative with materials and supplies, and figuring out how to do all of this on a ramen-eating budget. I work on everything from sewing to prop construction, wig styling, and accessories

I’ve learned a lot since learning to sew using my gramma’s 1950s cast iron Singer machine in a finished attic that smelled of mothballs (as all grandparents’ attics are wont to do), and I’m here to share my eclectic and sometimes bizarre knowledge with all of you! Feel free to follow me on social media and enjoy the sewing and crafting journey! Sewing is a skill, not a talent, so what are you waiting for?