
Welcome to the Leaf Pile!

Hello! I’m Sammy, aka LeafninCosplay, and this is my leaf pile, a collection of tutorials and helpful advice that can get you started with sewing and crafting or give you ideas for techniques. Everything in this blog can be done in minimal space. My workshop is technically the corner of my living room in a 900sqft apartment I share with my roommate. You don’t need a giant workshop or massive house to cosplay. You can craft and create cosplay in spaces as small as a dorm room!

If you’re new to making your own cosplay or not sure how to start, check out the Getting Started section on the menu. This features a collection of tutorials specifically geared towards getting started with a specific subject.

If you’re looking for something specific, the Tutorials Index is arranged by subject. Recent tutorials are located on the menu above. You can also find character-specific build tutorials on Character Builds.

Feel free to follow me on social media for updates on my latest projects, random posts about my artbook obsession, and games. And if you make something with one of my tutorials, let me know! I’d love to see your work. Remember, sewing and crafting are skills, not talent, so what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

This blog is compatible with dark readers and images have alt text for accessibility. If there are any issues with the contrast or accessibility, let me know!


Page reorganization (2/9/24) – Revamped the Tutorials Index by Subject! This site has honestly outgrown the original organization, so everything has been separated into their own categories with new headers. This should make it easier to find things on the primary index.

Character page update (2/9/24) – Added Bruno Bucciarati to the Character Builds page.

Delay in articles (3/27/24) – I am currently moving! So I’m taking a bit of a writing break. I’ll be posting new content soon!

Upcoming conventions and panels

SakuraCon, March 29-31, 2024 – I have two panels, both on Sunday, so swing by for some cosplay advice and eggs

  • Posing 101: from OH NO to PRO – Sunday at 12:15pm in Summit 347-348
  • Cosplay on a Ramen-level Budget – Sunday at 3:30pm in Arch Chelan 2

If you’ve attended any of my panels, head on over to Panel Presentations to check out the slides and my notes!


Want to be notified of new posts and tutorials? Sign up and join the leaf pile!

Latest Tutorials

Big Kiki cross-body bag

When I set out to make myself a Kiki cosplay from Kiki’s Delivery Service, I thought about buying a bag. Yet none of the bags quite worked for me. They were too small, the wrong color, not enough pockets, or not enough length in the strap. Who knows what was wrong with this one. So…

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Modifying metal zippers

Metal zippers just look cool and come in some very striking metallic colors, usually gold and silver, but I’ve also seen metallic rainbow as well. Bruno Bucciarati was the first time I had encountered the metal zipper. His jacket featured several metallic gold zipper accents on the sleeves, collar, and shoulders, and metal zippers make…

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Fabric crash course: acrylic felt

Acrylic felt is one type of soft felt that’s both versatile and easy to work with. It may seem like it’s “just a craft material,” but those “just craft materials” have a lot of uses with cosplay and, of course, fun crafts. It’s one of the best fuzzy materials to start with given how many…

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Decoupage drinking horn

Sometimes you just need a cool-looking drinking horn for a cosplay. Sometimes you also want to make that drinking horn, and a proper horn should be hollow and thin. You could use thin foam, but I’d be afraid of bumping the thing and crushing it. So I turned to my good friend decoupage. You may…

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How to sew an irregular hem

Sometimes a hem is just irregular. It’s not a straight edge, zigzag, or even a scallop. It just borders the weird. I come across them every so often in cosplay designs, especially those that lean towards adventurer or barbarian designs. Sometimes you’ll see them at the edges of scarves too. My Barbarian Bowser look is…

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